Saturday, June 15, 2019


David Hogan
Leeds, AL

Photo from Wampler Pedals Website
OK lots of people have different takes on what an online troll is, but think about someone that comes into a discussion to STIR UP DISCORD. Emphasis on "comes into". If they were stating what others consider discord on their "own" timeline that's NOT trolling. The "trolling" aspect is about doing it where not invited, just like a troll in old tales sneaks into camp.
Most of the time trolls WILL NOT like your other posts you make about life in general, they will not celebrate anything positive in your life, they'll seldom take the time out of their superior and uppity life to like a post of you celebrating a birthday, wedding, graduation, or mourning illness or death.
But if you post ANYTHING they have a strong opinion of, they are MORE than happy to use your platform, or your post on your timeline to set the world straight and show all the error of your ways.
I don't consider someone on their own timeline to be a troll as they aren't trolling there, as it's their own original thought. Many TROLLS not only do this on your timeline they'll do it in groups too. It doesn't matter what the group is about, they'll find a way to throw in their diatribe or trigger.
A common group example is to come into a group that is absolutely biased on something and stir up crap. I'm not talking about a neutral or even supposed neutral place like a news page, even though most are biased but there is the assumption they should be fair, I'm talking about being a hater of a particular candidate for example and stirring discord and hate on their page. They know the majority will come down on them like white on rice, but they don't care, it's what they do.
Trolls exist politically on ALL sides. Many trolls head straight to their opponents pages to SHOW THEM THE TRUTH, and they believe that too. What they ignore is that unless they are making a peaceful post they haven't changed one mind, and what they have most likely done is HARDEN them up against both them and their cause.
Trolls often think they are harbingers of the TRUTH when in fact they are just SHIT STIRRERS because they're not being realistic about influencing people, they're being self-righteous dicks, EVEN if their cause is a worthy one.
That's a troll and they are a special kind of pond scum too.

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