Thursday, October 1, 2015

We Need the Dialog on Guns but Let's be Clear...

I think it important we have the dialog in America on deaths and guns, but I am tired of having the dialog with arguments that have been ruled on by the Supreme Court as if they are still waiting to be resolved.

Until the constitution is legally changed when they rule, that is it. You can cite the dissenting opinions until pigs fly, but they remain the opinion of the side that lost.

Certainly we as a people can move to change the constitution as our founders were brilliant in allowing such, yet making it hard to do so.

WITH THAT SAID there are two items that continue to be argued on the 2nd amendment that HAVE made it to the Supreme Court.

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They are the notion that the 2nd amendment applies only to those in the military by virtue of the clause "a well regulated militia", which has been deemed by the court to mean THE PEOPLE, not the National Guard or the military. (See image to left showing the opinion of the court as written by Scalia)

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The other is the notion that modern day weapons do not apply to the 2nd amendment once again with the court opinion clearly stating that is not so. (See image to the right showing the opinion of the court as written by Scalia)

Many, having found out that the militia is defined as the individual, switch tactics to attack the words "well regulated". I would remind that our 2nd amendment right has been regulated and for quite some time, BUT that regulation cannot "infringe" our defined right.  Banning something is most definitely an infringement, while there remains now as in the past, many regulations and requirements on this right.

I have included the ENTIRE Supreme Court opinion of of Heller v Washington D.C. where this was addressed. You can find dissenting remarks against what I highlight in the photos, but they remain the remarks of the side that did not win.

By all means have the debate to make things safer and yet retain our rights, but these two arguments are without validity if we are going to follow the laws of our land.  Using them over and over again simply stalls real discussion.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Facebook Posting Etiquette

My rules for Facebook posting and commenting...please note these are MY rules, and I base them off 20 years of professionally managing online forums and as the former Chief Sysop of PC World Online Forums in the 1990's, where I was known as PCW David.

1. It is important to remember that everyone has a timeline.  Your timeline is your timeline, and other folk's timeline, is, well, not yours.  Think of your timeline as your house and this may be easier to understand.

2. What you do on your timeline within the scope of what Facebook allows, is acceptable.  It may not win you friends or likes, but it is YOUR timeline.

3. Deleting unwanted comments on your timeline is acceptable.  Again, it may be unpopular and even cause you to lose friends, but it is your timeline.  We'll cover better ways to handle negative/unwanted comments in a moment.

4. Automatically commenting about something controversial on another's timeline is "stupid" (yep a harsh word but a correct one when not thinking), if you haven't really thought it through before doing so.

5. The fact you disagree with something, does not mean your comments will not be deleted on another's timeline.  This also applies to comments that you know are not correct.  Once again, it will serve you well to remember that timelines are like homes.  EVEN if they are giving out wrong information, they can still delete your it, or not.

6. Consider dealing with controversy on your OWN timeline, not others.  I'm not saying it's OK to call them out on your own posting and timeline, although that is up to you... and has consequences in doing so.  You may be OK with the consequences, but know they exist.

7. If someone has posted something wrong or misleading, consider a private message to the person.  They may not know what they have posted is wrong, and they'll appreciate the privacy in discussing it.  On the other hand, they may not care for your opinion in which case if you feel the need to correct bad information you'll usually go further on your own timeline.  Why?  Many people have similar thinking friends and they may not care for you calling out their friend.


8. If you posted something controversial and ASKED a question....well... you asked a question, and yes it's your timeline and you can still defend it as you see fit, but once asked!


9. You may think that because you know the person and you have bantered with them before on their timeline, all is OK and you can keep arguing... Maybe so, maybe not...  Many people will "tolerate" comments for a while, right up to the point they move you to their acquaintance or restricted list. Don't take for granted friendships when it comes to being respectful.

Again, think of timelines as homes.

10. F-bombs, someone calling you an SOB and other very expletive attacks mean you are BLOCKED in my book, no matter what got your dander up. I watched this happen with someone after only two comments were made and the person went postal over-reacting to what he and he alone, thought was a jab at him.  It doesn't even matter the reason, F-bombs are an instant get out of my house.

Maybe more in the future as people continue to NOT show respect to others, and sadly so.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Being a Real Friend

I recently witnessed a female friend on social media call out some of her female friends for going after married men.  It was ... refreshing.

People that do this(go after married folks) are not very smart.  Whatever you have been told by the one that is still married you have been told by... one that is still married.  Think about that.

I like many that have been married for multiple years, have seen ups and downs and I admit when I'm down, I'm certainly not myself and have no business discussing with another human what I'm down about in my marriage, unless I'm seeking help to make my marriage better... This is something you generally discuss with a long standing friend, not a member of the opposite sex, who may be just as "down" as you are.  This leads to the blind, leading the blind.

I admired my friend for taking a stand of, hands off married people... PERIOD.